White Product Shots Placement in Stock photography
An image is worth a 1000 words but is it? On White Product photography is fast and cost effective but does it result in better sales conversions. Statistics say otherwise. Standard White background product shots just don’t cut it anymore these days. To really sell and get better conversion rates on your products the image will have to be placed in a appealing background to sell better. To show how easy it is to make standard white background product images more appealing and create higher conversion rates for your products we will do a simple workflow demonstration.
The product you would like to place in a more attractive environment:
Product On white
Now we select a Library image that would fit the product nicely.
Lets Place the Product.
Not bad but its floating as we need the shadows on the table to make it sit on the table. But we can improve it even more by adjusting the background a bit to match the foreground lighting.
Also add a slight table reflection to integrate the product even more in the scene.
And Voila we have a product in a nice setting.
Don’t know how to do this? Or have 100s or even 1000s of images to do? No problem contact us at www.3diorama.com and we will do it for you at a competitive price and with a fast turnaround. Didn’t find a stock image to your liking or wrong angle and doesn’t match the photography? Or found one but there are items in the way to place your product? No problem tell us which one you like and what to remove and we will upload a new Stock image without the obstructions and you can download it at no extra cost. (it will be added to the stock image library)